Wednesday, September 8, 2010



Chris has developed quite a reputation with his pre-port medical briefings for the entire ship. Here is a pic of him getting his point across by demonstrating the delicate art of flamenco.

Cadiz is a wonderful old city with Catholic churches built on remains of Moorish mosques built on top of remains of tributes to Ceasar. Great food (tapas) and wine. Wonderful people. A bullfight.

We spent one night in Ronda, the last strong-hold before the pushing out of the Moors. You can see from the cliff side photo why it was one of the last to go. The “new bridge” was built in 1761.

Now we’re back on the ship, getting set to leave for Morocco.


  1. Thanks for the updates. I love the pic of Leo in the alleyway. He looks like he is trying to figure out how to get out. What the heck is Chris doing?! Are those exotic stretching exercises?

    I rode up Red Canyon to work today. The ride was beautiful until I got hit by a BIG thunderstorm. Now I am off to teach my ENG 122 students.

    By the way, Laura Jensson and I are working on "Seneca Square Dance" next. I hope you are fitting in mando practice between port calls.


  2. I've copied your news and pix for Mom and Dad All is well here with fall moving in fast. We had a picnic for Joe's BD on Monday at Grizzly. Dad is using a cane to steady himself and likes poking people and the attn. he gets. We played bridge at Carbondale with them last night. Glenwood Varsity soccer lost a heartbreaker to G.J. Tuesday night with them scoring in OT. (3-4) To Steamboat tonight. I'm taking a MAC class up at Spring Valley starting tomorrow--maybe I'll be as proficient as you all are! Love ya--sure sounds like a great trip already! Luana

  3. I'm really enjoying your blog. Leo is very photogenic. Where is Nico? I never knew Chris was such a performer. I like traveling with you via the wire. Sad news on the big fire west of Boulder. Ruth Wolcoff's house on Sugarloaf has been destroyed. They are living in Christchurch, and I fear all her art quilts are destroyed. So far 175 buildings destroyed, as of this afternoon. No containment and winds coming. 3500 people evacuated. We feel very lucky to have a home.
    Better news next time...
