We had an extra special crossing of the equator on this voyage. The captain managed to cross the equator while crossing the Prime Meridian at the same time: 0, 0 Long/Lat. I managed to capture the moment on the GPS display.
The first time that sailors cross the equator at sea, they must give homage to King Neptune. This is a traditional ritual that experienced sailors love to pass on to the “Polywogs” .
On the MV Explorer, the Pollywogs get woken up with lots of noise. Then they get to be slimed in fish guts (and a little green jello), kiss a fish, ask for acceptance from King and Queen Neptune, and then sacrifice their hair. Keep in mind that this is all voluntary.
But at the end of it all, the Polywogs get to be called Shellbacks. In our case, they get to be called Emerald Shellbacks since they crossed at (0, 0). (Notice that I did not say, “we”. I’m still a Polywog.)
Playful as ever, the Tutus participated in the madness.
(Hallie, do you remember doing this?)